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Social Distance, Digital Congregation: British Ritual Innovation under COVID-19BRIC-19 is a research project examining how British religious communities have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions it has imposed. The project aims to document, analyse, and understand the new ways that religious communities are coming together, and to use those findings to help make religious communities stronger and more resilient for the future.
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Churches Online in Times of CoronaCONTOC is a research project on the use of digital media during the first lockdown due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020. The survey was conducted in catholic and protestant parishes in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and many other countries. It is followed by an in-depth study Protestant parishes in Germany and parishes in Switzerland (CONTOC2).
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Digital Death: Transforming History, Rituals and AfterlifeDiDe is an interdisciplinary research consortium led by the University of Helsinki and funded by EU CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe. The consortium addresses the cultural and social transformation of human death in contemporary society as it is characterised by digital saturation of the current collective social and cultural existence.
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Understanding Muslims’ Participation in Online Islamic EnvironmentsThis project investigates the characteristics of contemporary Online Islamic Environments, and their consequences for the social and religious practices of different Muslim populations within and across distinct European contexts.
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Social Distance, Digital Congregation: British Ritual Innovation under COVID-19RECOV-19 is a three-year, multi-disciplinary research project analyzing the role of religion in societies emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. The project investigates whether or to what extent the role of religion has changed during the pandemic, looking particularly at discourses around health, illness, and science; changing relationships between religions and the state; and religious adaptations to the digital world.
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