Recovira (Religious Communities in the Virtual Age) is an international research project that examines how the shape, role, and experience of religious life in Europe has been transformed by contemporary technology and digital culture. The pandemic forced many religious communities into new relationships with technology and the digital world, and Recovira investigates the what the effects of these changes will be going forward. Our research is based in seven countries around Europe (the UK, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland, Sweden, and Slovenia), and our case studies include religious communities of many different faiths, beliefs, and origins.
About the Project
While, historically, religious life has been something of a refuge from the digitalisation of European society, the COVID-19 pandemic changed that. The social restrictions imposed by the pandemic rapidly accelerated religious communities’ embrace of digital tools and structures in order to continue their essential social and psychological work during this crisis.
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Josh Edelman
01/07/2024| UK
Religious Communities in the Virtual Age: Practices, Values, Technologies, Boundaries 28 October 2024, Manchester, England Keynote Speaker: Prof Linda Woodhead, King’s College London. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, religious communities across Europe and the world have engaged with the digital world and specific digital technologies in a wide variety of ways. Some have embraced online worship and […]
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Digitization and Roman Catholic immigrants in Frankfurt/Germany
06/11/2024| UK
Brigitta Sassin, theologian and pastoral worker for religious immigrant communities in Frankfurt/Germany, introduced the project ‘International Stations of the Cross’ at the Dialogue Conference of the ReCoVirA-Project Germany on June 24th. This perspective expanded the projects’ findings and understanding of the transnational experience of religious communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact: Frankfurt has always […]
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